By "M"

"The nature of Commander Bond's duties with the ministry, which were, incidentally, recognized by the appointment of C.M.G. ... must remain confidential, nay secret, but his colleagues at the ministry will allow that he performed them with outstanding bravery and distinction, though occassionally, through an impetuous strain in his nature, with a streak of the fool-hardy that brought him in conflict with higher authority. But he possessed what almost amounted to "The Nelson Touch" in moments of the highest emergency, and he somehow contrived to escape more or less unscathed from the many adventurous paths down which his duties led him. The inevitable publicity, particularly in the foreign press, accorded some of these adventures, made him, much against his will, something of a public figure, with the inevitable result that a series of popular books came to be written about him by a personal friend and former colleague of James Bond. If the quality of these books, or their degree of veracity, had been any higher, the author would certainly have been prosecuted under the Official Secrets Act. It is a measure of the disdain in which these fictions are held at the ministry that action has not yet - I emphasize the qualification - been taken against the author and the publisher of these high-flown and romanticized caricatures of episodes in the career of an outstanding public servant."
- M's obituary for Bond, "You Only Live Twice," Chapter 21

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